There are many different types of women’s and men’s jewellery, including rings, earrings, bracelets and bangles, necklaces, and watches Jewellery is an accessory that will elevate any outfit and can be used to express your unique style and personality. A jewellery gift from Michael Hill makes a beautiful keepsake for someone you love, or a special treat for yourself.
Shop our range of fine jewellery at Michael Hill. Explore rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and bangles, crafted with precious metals, diamonds and gemstones.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the different types of jewellery?
What are the different types of jewellery?
What jewellery is most popular?
What jewellery is most popular?
Hoop earrings, pearl necklaces, tennis bracelets and solid gold bangles are all popular jewellery styles, but what is popular ultimately comes down to personal taste.
Selecting a piece of jewellery that is meaningful to you and reflects your personality ensures you will cherish it for a lifetime. Pieces that can be personalised such as an initial necklace or an engravable ring are very popular and make fantastic birthday gifts.
Is all gold jewellery pure gold?
Is all gold jewellery pure gold?
Most gold jewellery is not pure 24-carat gold, which is considered too malleable to be used in jewellery.
Jewellery made from precious 10, 14 or 18ct gold is what is known as an alloy, pure gold mixed with another precious metal. The higher the gold carat, the higher the percentage of 24 carat gold. The metal the gold is alloyed with will determine its final colour - for example, rose gold is pure gold alloyed with copper. At Michael Hill all of our jewellery is a minimum of 10ct gold, never gold filled or gold plated.
What jewellery is appropriate for my age?
What jewellery is appropriate for my age?
At Michael Hill our jewellery is designed to last a lifetime, to be worn as part of a diverse jewellery wardrobe and passed down through generations - this means all of our stunning jewellery pieces are perfect at any age. While your style and taste may evolve through the years, you can rely on your jewellery to continue to make you shine.
Which metals are used in jewellery?
Which metals are used in jewellery?
Yellow, white and rose gold are the most common metals used in jewellery, but sterling silver and platinum jewellery are also popular choices.
The metal you choose will likely come down to your personal style and budget. Sterling silver jewellery tends to be more affordable than gold, whereas highly durable and precious platinum is a more expensive option.
Are diamonds considered jewellery?
Are diamonds considered jewellery?
Diamonds are not a jewellery item on their own, but rather an incredibly precious gemstone that is used in jewellery for added sparkle and meaning.
While many simply love the shimmering effect of diamonds in their jewellery, others cherish the knowledge that diamonds are forever, a highly durable gemstone that represents the unbreakable bond of a relationship. At Michael Hill all of our diamond jewellery is covered by our Lifetime Diamond Warranty.